About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 18, 2017

(No. 285) Missed Big Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて大きなスズキを逃がす)

In the last post I announced the temporary retirement of CCW’s Jetty Swimmer from Japanese sea bass fishing in Lake Shinji. The lure was so effective that it would make me catch more fish than necessary. Now I have to announce that the retirement came to an end. The Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji has been regarded as one of traditional seven delicacies, but not many local residents have actually eaten a freshly caught one. Last week I went to COCHICA, my favorite local pastry shop, to buy some delicious tarts. Through the conversation with its charming shopkeepers, I found that they belonged to such unlucky locals. So I made a hurried promise to take a fresh fish to them.
That’s why the Jetty Swimmer had to end a happy retirement and to come back to the front line of fishing. However, it was CCW’s Darter plug that was effective this afternoon. Foolishly, I tried to take a gorgeous picture of the fish while it was still struggling in the water. The second picture above is one of such failed pictures. It shows only my bent rod but no fish. The fish was too deep in the water. The next moment the hook came out. The fish had spat out a baitfish. I retrieved it and took a picture along with two CCW lures. It was a konosirus punctatus of 26 cm (10 in.) long.
P.S. Somebody left a seemingly expensive plier at the shore. I have it. If you know the owner of it, please let me know or let the owner know.

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